by the Townsite Heritage Society of Powell River SPRING & SUMMER
City of Powell River staff would like to thank everyone who came out to the February 26, 2019, Townsite Development Permit Area drop-in event at Townsite Mall. The purpose of the event was to get feedback on draft design guidelines for Townsite. We held this event to follow-up on a drop-in event and survey held last fall. Since last summer, staff have been working on developing a “Development Permit Area” for Townsite’s single and two-family homes. The Development Permit Area updates the City’s Sustainable Official Community Plan to include form and character design guidelines for Townsite. The guidelines are intended to make sure that significant external changes to a home or new construction fit in with the historic Arts and Crafts architectural style that makes Townsite so special and a National Historic Site of Canada.
Heritage Planning Update
Development Permit Area Under Review
The Development Permit Area won’t require people to make immediate changes to their homes. Instead, if you construct an addition larger than 10 square meters (107 sq.ft.), make major repairs or changes, or build a new home, you will need to apply for a Development Permit before applying for a Building Permit.
Based on feedback we’ve received, staff have updated the Development Permit Area guidelines that were drafted last summer. Updates include:
• removing requirements better suited for multi-family developments. The guidelines no longer require electric vehicle charging stations, landscaping plans, etc.;
• relaxing requirements about front driveways, recognizing that portions of Willow, Maple, Larch, and Laburnum have limited access; and
• adding some sketches to help illustrate some important areas of form and character retention. Council reviewed the updated Development Permit Area guidelines at the April 2, 2019, Committee of the Whole Meeting. Please stay tuned for a Public Hearing date. For more information, please visit our website at powellriver.ca/pages/heritage-planning